Tuesday, March 22, 2011

gaga, we love you.

Love her or hate her, she's a performer. And she sure knows how to attract attention. Lady Gaga released an "emaciated" photo of herself on her Twitter earlier and there are already articles speculating about her "rail-thin" appearance.
My perspective? Come on! I don't think she meant for people to speculate about her weight at all! If you didn't see the "Born This Way" music video, she looked like this the entire time to portray a make believe species. Personally, I feel this photo is art. She's brilliant; controversial for sure, yet brilliant. She's trying to promote her new album, and she's always been known to make a statement- I think she's just following the lines of her video, with the whole new species persona. However, some probe that it is to emphasize her thin appearance...oh, hollywood. That's all i have to say. Thoughts?


  1. okay, i totally love Lady Gaga (as does my 3yo daughter). she's such an amazing performer and a lot of fun. yes, she's thin, but not in a scary way, at least not that i've seen.


  2. WE ADOREEEEEEEE GAGA. She's like the new Madonna for our ages haha. She's amazing she's so different than everyone else!

    Also do you like to follow eachother? It would be nice for us all, let us know!

    H&C from Amsterdam

  3. I like Lady Gaga aswell but don't share her views on certain things. I agree with you it is art but she has got alot skinner she used to be curvy but she is a great performer


  4. Hey! Already following your blog :)

